Building Information Modelling

Hulley BIM
Building Information Modelling is a collaborative process for modelling a built environment project utilising digital design technology. BIM Level 2 projects provide a platform for architects and engineers to collaborate in the development of a coordinated 3D model. The model itself is a digital representation of the project comprising its geometric components and attributed information. The advantages of a BIM enabled project include; collaborative and efficient design, clash-detection and resolution in the virtual environment and improved quality of information for construction and maintenance.

We embrace this collaborative working ethos and on our BIM projects we have a core of BIM trained engineers supported by Hulley BIM technicians and managers. Our processes and procedures are aligned with the ISO 19650 Building Information Modelling standard and with BSRIA BG6 Design Framework for Building Services. Our BIM service can be tailored to the requirements of each project to best support the needs of our clients; public sector bodies, estates departments, contractors and FM teams.
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