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Hulleys SGS
Hulleys SFM
Hulleys TA
Hulleys BIM
Hulleys MEP
Hulleys Eco
Commercial and Workplace
Further and Higher Education
Airport Terminal Expansion project.
Residential development comprising 24 flats and 49 houses for Caledonia Housing Association.
Modern NHS Highland NTC (National Treatment Centre) facility including inpatient and outpatient r...
Science & Technology
New build for life-sciences start ups with specialist laboratories and office space.
Further & Higher Education, Retail
First-class teaching and learning facility redevelopment.
Industrial, Infrastructure & Utilities
Redevelopment and extension of harbour facilities.
New oncology treatment centre.
Heritage, Hospitality, Sport & Leisure
Refurbishment of a prestigious c1760 B listed town hall.
New facility for renal dialysis services.
Heritage, Commercial & Workplace
Redevelopment of derelict historic buildings forming a new multi-tenancy charitable hub.
Further & Higher Education, Science & Technology, Healthcare
New medical research MRI and theatre facility.
Heritage, Residential
Residential redevelopment of historic city centre stables.
Healthcare, Infrastructure & Utilities
Leading edge new mental healthcare facilities.
Hospitality, Sport & Leisure
Redevelopment of former cinema site to provide a community arts centre.
Major recycling and gasification facility in West Midlands.
New progressive Muslim faith secondary school.
Grade A listed refurbishment.
Retail & Mixed Use, Infrastructure & Utilities
Regeneration of Greenock's iconic Grade A listed sugar shed building.
Swindon archive storage facility.
Hospitality Sport & Leisure, Heritage
Top quality community, culture and leisure facilities.
Heritage, Hospitality Sport & Leisure
A landmark attraction featuring 22 themed art galleries.
Acute mental health facilities.
New contemporary healthcare facility.
A new acute healthcare facility.
Healthcare, Further & Higher Education
A new development providing conference facilities, teaching spaces and laboratory facilities.
Authorising engineering services.
Government, Custodial & Defence, Further & Higher Education
New academic and training facilities created in a realistic urban environment.
Commercial & Workplace
New state of the art teaching, research and support accommodation.
Science & Technology, Healthcare
Global hub for cancer research and treatment.
Europe`s largest onshore wind farm.
Island hotel redevelopment.
New accessible accommodation for Veterans.
New residential apartments within waterside regeneration development.
New orthopaedic inpatient ward building.
Industrial, Commercial & Workplace
"Flagship" head office and innovative design and production facilities.
Phased refurbishment of office accommodation and new data centre.
Further & Higher Education, Residential
£228M pioneering project delivering two new campuses in the heart of Glasgow.
Provision of MEP services infrastructure to new manufacturing production line.
Cinema and theatre extension of creative arts hub.
New community campus.
Government, Custodial & Defence
Major award winning prison project in London.
Further & Higher Education
Net zero ready all electric commercial office development.
Residential, Healthcare
80 bed dementia care home.
Schools, Hospitality, Sport & Leisure
Multifunctional school sports complex.
Technical advisor for pharmaceutical "specials" service.
360 bed student accommodation development.
Landmark residential dockside regeneration development.
Residential, Infrastructure & Facilities
New supported accommodation flats for veterans.
1,000 bed temporary Covid 19 field hospital.
State of the art events complex.
4 star hotel forming part of the masterplan at TECA (P&J Live).
Grade A commercial office space development.
Temporary Covid 19 field hospital.
New 74 bed mental health unit.
Repurposing of a shopping mall retail unit to create a NHS diagnostic facility.
Further & Higher Education, Hospitality, Sport & leisure
New state-of-the-art sport and wellbeing facility.
Redevelopment providing modern accessible medical school teaching facilities.
Further & Higher Education, Science & Research
World-leading centre for robotics and artificial intelligence.
Further & Higher Education, Heritage
Refurbishment and extension of Grade B listed biomedical engineering faculty building.
Sport & Leisure
A new 4-court sports hall at the Devon & Cornwall Police Headquarters.
Further & Higher Education, Science & Technology
Cybersecurity research and development centre.
Grade A office refurbishment and extension at the leading edge of commercial rental property.
Further & Higher Education, Healthcare, Science & Technology
Covid 19 testing facility.
New rental office accommodation with focus on sustainable design and construction.
£60M redevelopment providing new learning and teaching, and student support facilities.
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Designed & Built by Mucky Puddle